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03/04/2003 Council Meeting

March 4, 2003

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call of Council:  Present:  Chairman Phinney:  Councilors Hamblen, Loveitt, Willett, and Dugas; the Town Manager and the Town Clerk.
                                Absent:   Councilors Robinson and Justice

        Al and Elaine Liberio appeared before the Council reading a letter that they previously sent to the Council and the Planning Board regarding growth in Gorham.
Councilor Willett reported on the recent Middle School Building Project meeting where the construction company was granted 3 additional days.

        There was no Chairman's report.

The Town manager's reported consisted of a report that the roads in Gorham have been posted as of yesterday and a report on a trip to Washington, D.C. that he and Councilors Loveitt and Phinney went on to meet with the Maine Congressional Delegation regarding funding for a by pass.

Chairman Phinney publicly thanked the members of the delegations that met with them and stated that he felt very positive about the meetings.

The meeting recessed for a public hearing on renewal of Massage Therapist/Massage Establishment Licenses for 2003.  There was no public comment and the hearing closed.

Item #6769.  Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Hamblen and ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the renewal of the following licenses for 2003:

Massager Therapist License in the name of Rebecca G. LaWind doing business at 4 Rust Road

A Combined Massage Establishment/Massage Therapist License for Cynthia S. Doyle doing business at 7 Clay Road.  5 yeas.

Item #6770.  Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Loveitt and ORDERED that the Town Council, pursuant to negative reports from traffic engineers at Gorrill Palmer and the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, find that a roadway through the Baxter Memorial Library/Shaw School Complex is not feasible, and

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the above committee is renamed the Shaw School Renovation Committee and shall confine its efforts to the proper renovation and beautification of said property.  4 yeas.  1 nay (Dugas).

Item #6771.  Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to have a selective thinning by removing weak trees, on the Town property located off Wentworth Drive, as recommended in a letter dated February 4, 2003 from Dale Rines, Chairman of the Parks and Conservation Commission, provided that the project can be done with the revenue generated from the cutting and without appropriating additional funds.  5 yeas.

Item #6772.  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by councilor Loveitt and ORDERED that the Town Council ask the Economic Development Committee to identify areas in East Gorham around Mosher's Corner and Route 237 that may be appropriate to rezone to the Industrial Zone to enhance the Town's property tax base, and

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED,  that the Committee should prepare language to amend the land Use and Development Code that would incorporate the rezoned areas for Council consideration.  5 yeas.

Item #6773.  Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Loveitt and ORDERED that the Town Council refer a proposal to amend the Land use and Development Code to allow cluster septic systems, to the Planning Board for public hearing and their recommendation.  5 yeas.

Item #6774.  Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council request that the Finance Committee review the Town's current fee structure and recommend appropriate adjustments to the Town Council.  5 yeas.

Item #6775.  The order, as read aloud by the Clerk, was moved by Councilor Loveitt and seconded by Councilor Hamblen.  Moved by Councilor Loveitt, seconded by Councilor Hamblen and VOTED to postpone action regarding appointments to various committees and boards for 2003 until such time as the Appointments Committee has recommendations to make.  5 yeas.

Item #6776.  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas and ORDERED that the Town Council appropriate $5,770 from the Contingency Account to pay Gorham's share of costs for developing a program with eleven other communities to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Phase II Rules published in the Federal Register on December 8, 1999.  5 yeas.
Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas and VOTED to waive the Rules to take up an item not on the agenda.  5 yeas.

Item #6777.  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas and ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the issuance of an Automobile Graveyard and/or Junkyard Permit for 2003 to LKQ Corp., d/b/a Gorham Auto Parts.   5 yeas.
Moved by Councilor Loveitt,  seconded by Councilor Hamblen and VOTED to adjourn.  5 yeas.  Time of adjournment  - 7:58 p.m.

A TRUE RECORD OF MEETING                        
                                                                D. Brenda Caldwell
                                                                Town Clerk